Analysis Of Girl, Interrupted By Susanna Kaysen Girl, Interrupted is a memoir written by Susanna Kaysen in In her memoir, Kaysen recalls her time spent at a psychiatric hospital after being diagnosed with borderline personality disorder Nov 12, · This essay on Girl Interrupted: Psychology Paper was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly The movie Girl, Interrupted is based on the memoir written by Susana Kaysen. In this film, Susana Kaysen, the main character is first introduced in the hospital where she was taken shortly after overdosing on aspirin and alcohol. Despite taking a whole bottle of aspirin and alcohol Susana claims that it was not a suicidal attempt
Susanna Kaysen's Girl, Interrupted - Words | Book Review Example
For my movie review I watched Girl Interrupted filmed in and directed by James Mangold. The main character is a 19 year old female named Susana Kaysen who ate an entire bottle of aspirin and then drank a bottle of vodka. The doctor believes that Susana is suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder. Susan quickly finds herself making friends with everyone on the floor. There are several characters with several different psychological diagnosis.
Lisa is a sociopath who is very open sexually and very unfiltered. Polly may suffer girl interrupted essay schizophrenia and is a burn victim. Daisy is suspected of having an incestuous relationship with her girl interrupted essay and also suffers from a compulsive eating disorder, girl interrupted essay. The ultimate goal for all these woman is to be treated and released from the facility. Others however such as Girl interrupted essay believe they are lifers or never going to get out, girl interrupted essay.
Cognition is how people remember, think, speak and solve problems. The cognitive process is that of obtaining and using new knowledge. Everyone handles this every day mental process differently. As I watched Girl Interrupted I noticed how Susana spoke about what makes a successful suicide, girl interrupted essay. Susana is very detailed in her suicidal thoughts and has attempted suicide in the past.
Borderline Personality Disorder is a disorder that affects the cognitive areas of development, girl interrupted essay. Both the stages of cognitive and personality development follow closely as girl interrupted essay same.
In Girl Interrupted, Susana cannot regulate her thoughts, emotions or behaviors. This is where the Borderline Personality Disorder diagnosis comes from. These behaviors can be suicide attempts, and even sexual behavior.
Susana had an affair with her high school teacher and would stay in relationships with men because of the sex and the need to feel loved. Environmental factors can impact everyone and their development differently based on what factors are present and what factors are absent. This is just as true as biological factors; both biological and environmental factors in unison can have a very big impact on our cognitive processes.
This is as true girl interrupted essay a person of a higher economic class; taking Lisa for example she is all over the psychological map. Lisa more than likely grew up in a low economic class with a parent or parents who drank and fought girl interrupted essay may have even abused drugs. Susanna on the other hand grew up in a higher economic class and it is assumed that her parents did not abuse drugs or alcohol.
It would be safe to assume that Susanna was not paid much attention but was not given the chance for the expected life challenges either. When life got tough Susanna decided to attempt suicide. This is how she saw a way to solve her problems.
Also the relationships she had that were based on sex and not love but she stayed in those relationships anyway. It can believed that successful behaviors are passed on through generations and unsuccessful behaviors are internalized into that specific generation.
For example you possess a behavior to grow gardens and gather the food and sometimes can it or store it for fall and winter usage. That would be an example of evolution, girl interrupted essay. Or ever look at your children and think about how much they take after you or your significant other? This would be evolution and genetics, as we have a tendency to breed with others who possess our same evolutionary traits, such as eye color and immune system strength. If you have ever raised or even babysat children you probably noticed that at a certain age they started to mimic your actions and words.
Completely unaware that they are observing your behavior to use in their very own way and situations. The way we act while raising a child will impact their personality greatly. If the parent is overly aggressive and the parents argue and fight, that child will grow up to be aggressive. If both parents work together as a team that child girl interrupted essay likely grow girl interrupted essay to work strongly in a group and know the value of working as a team.
How does self-efficacy relate to personality? Self-efficacy is belief in yourself and your abilities. Those who have a high self-efficacy love to take on new challenges and feel very confident in what tasks they accomplish.
Those with low self-efficacy feel as if they cannot accomplish new challenges and believe that tasks are out of their league. This relates to personality because self-efficacy relates to emotions and mood which reflect in our personality. Susanna in the beginning of the movie had a low self-efficacy and by the end of the movie had a higher self-efficacy, girl interrupted essay.
Nature can be peers at school, media, and socialization, and nurture is based on parenting, girl interrupted essay. Like mentioned, peers are a factor that can make a person question their self-efficacy. The parenting style and the environment that was provided can also influence self-efficacy. Susanna for example would have had a higher self-efficacy based on nurture. This ultimately caused the suicide attempt. Watching movies to relax was all that it used to be until this assignment.
This assignment has taken the movie experience to a whole new level. For now on I will pay attention more closely and try to pinpoint factors that attributed to their personality. I have never looked at the movie Girl Interrupted the way I do now, girl interrupted essay. Girl, interrupted. Accessed May 19, Download paper. Essay, Pages 5 words. Top Writers. Verified expert. Related Essays. Critical Movie Review Psychology: Girl, Interrupted Pages: 3 words Susana in "Girl Interrupted" Movie Pages: 4 words "A Rose For Emily" and "How to Date a Brown Girl Black Girl, White Girl, or Halfie " Analysis Pages: 6 words Film Girl interrupted Pages: 7 words Girl Interrupted Character Analysis Pages: 2 words Video Response: Girl… Interrupted Pages: 4 words Girl Interrupted Film Analysis Pages: 3 words "Girl Interrupted" Pages: 4 words A Girl Like Me: The Gwen Araujo Story Movie Pages: 3 words Lars and the Real Girl Movie Analysis Pages: 6 words.
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Girl, Interrupted (1999) Trailer #1 - Movieclips Classic Trailers
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Apr 10, · If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! Find out more The first criteria for BPD in Girl, Interrupted, was having self-destructive contemplations and doing things to help a conceivable suicide by endeavoring what Susanna called an “impotent endeavor” to murder herself by taking a dose of aspirin with Girl, Interrupted is an American psychological film and memoir based on true events of Susanna Kaysen’s life. Over the course of her life and her stay in a mental hospital, she experiences three major stages; mental health, friend influence and self-esteem. Susana Kaysen is only eighteen years old at the beginning. She is an intelligent [ ] Nov 12, · This essay on Girl Interrupted: Psychology Paper was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly
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