![First Day of School Free Essay Example first day of high school essay](https://images.examples.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Informative-Essays-for-High-School1.jpg)
· My first day in high school Pages: 4 ( words) Reflective Essay- First day of school Pages: 4 ( words) My First Day Of Middle School Pages: 3 ( words) My first day at a new school Pages: 3 ( words) First Day in School Pages: 5 ( words) My first day in an English speaking school Pages: 5 ( words)Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins · It was my first day of high school and I was about to go on an adventure. I finally reached my destination, the freshman courtyard, and I walked into my first period class. I sat down, looked around and thought to myself, “I know absolutely no one! ” Then the bell rang and my teacher walked blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins · First Day of High School Essay Walking into a brand new school for the first time with a bundle of happiness and a twisted knot in your stomach indicating just how nervous you really are, sure is a way to start your first day of high school. It is natural on the part of every student to remember the first day at school
My First Day at High School Free Essay Sample
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The first day is always the hardest. You go from being the leaders of the school, to the babies of the school. It was the first day and everybody was full of both excitement and fear. I looked around, I saw a bunch of crowded newbies all around me, anxiously awaiting the first day of high school essay, at the start the only person I could recognise was Chiara.
Chiara is one of my best friends; we went through primary school together. Gradually more and more people showed up, until I could barely move. A few of them I recognised from my old primary. I saw Iris and quickly rushed over to join her, she was with Vanessa, one of her friends from out of school.
As we were talking the bell went, so we said are goodbyes and rushed off to find our lines on the basketball court. This assembly was pretty, much just introducing the year 7 co-odernater, the principle, our form teachers, and some of the other people that would be teaching us this year. Once we got into class, we got straight into it, first day of high school essay. First we had a tour around the school, and then we got given our diaries, timetables and told which teachers we were going to have for each subject.
At last the long wait was over. We finally go given our locker numbers! I mean I was already having so much, how it could get any better. Well I do miss my old friends but high school rocks!
There was only a few minutes left so Miss Hart our form teacher decided to go over a few rules. Half way through the bell went. We all quickly ran out the door, curious and ready to explore this first day of high school essay world we had just entered. There were only two people in my class from my primary school, Monique and Iris.
At recess I hung around with Iris, because she was the only person First day of high school essay knew in my class. So it was just Iris and I. So we ate and we talked and explored a little. The bell rang and we quickly ran off to our next class, first day of high school essay. We had Japanese and English next. The first day is pretty much just a taste of what the rest of the year is going to be like.
We flew through Japanese and English, and before we knew it was lunch. At recess Iris ordered a lunch order which took her like 3 hours to decide. So we went to pick it up. Then we went to sit on the bench closest to the year 7 area. During recess and lunch I discovered you were allowed to use iPods and phones.
This school was turning out to be better and better. The bell went, first day of high school essay, so we went class. It was pretty much just an introduction to some of the subjects that we were going to have that year. Before we knew it the bell rang, and it was time to go home. So we said our goodbyes and parted Iris and I. I was so happy and excited. The day had started off with a bunch of butterflies in my stomach, and ended with a bunch of wondering thoughts in my head.
Am I going to make anyone new? Stuff like that. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email.
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My First Day of High School Essay Sample The first day is first day of high school essay the hardest. And that is the story of my first day at high school. We can write a custom essay According to Your Specific Requirements Order an essay. All rights reserved. send By clicking "SEND", you agree first day of high school essay our terms of service and privacy policy.
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My First Day at High School. 1 January The reasons why my first day were bad because I was looking stupid getting lost and I had to be separated from my best friend. Otherwise, my first day did get better because I made new friends, and met new people. To begin with, my first day of high school Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins Essay about First Day of Secondary School - Original Writing. Words3 Pages. First Day of Secondary School - Original Writing I was so excited yet so terrified at the thought of my first day in secondary school. It felt much to me like my first day as an adult, the first day I ever felt grown up. As I packed my spanking new bag full of spanking new pens and pencils, I couldn't help but think would all My First Day At School Words | 7 Pages. The first day of school finally started after few months of living in the US and here I was walking to the bus stop with my mom and aunt on an unfamiliar road. Every house I passed was the same as the one my family lives in just different color. Leaves were falling, and the sun was shining
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