· Social Networking Essay – Sample 1 ( words) Social networking, in its most basic form, is the interaction of individuals with common interests over an online platform. This concept is a marvel of modern technology, enabling Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins words essay on computer Networking. Networking is a vital factor for the successful working of information systems. There are various networking systems, i.e., Television networks. Railway networks, Post and Telegraph networks and Computer networks. But the contributions of computer networking are blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins A network can be anything from a simple collection of computers at one location which have been tied together using a particular connectivity medium (such as network cabling) to a giant global network, e.g. internet, which uses several different connectivity media, including microwave and satellite technology. Once, the network is going to falling apart which
Professional Networking - Words | Essay Example
The essay will look into the professional career path of a healthcare administrator and the professional networks that healthcare administrators need to join. The essay will discuss the role of professional bodies and reasons for one to join the professional networks, essay on networking. Professional networks play an essay on networking part in the career development of the members in many ways.
They provide a platform for the members to interact with each other, essay on networking. Professional networks make it easier for the professionals in that network to identify new trends in their field and new employment opportunities with better rewards. For a starter professional they provide an opportunity to work in Tulenko, Other than networking and informing the members of new opportunities in their field, the professional bodies provide continuing education for their members.
These are important to the members to ensure that they are up to date with the dynamic field. Opportunities of continuing education keep the members abreast with new trends and education requirements of their career. At a time when downsizing due to integration of technology in work places is the order of the day, the professional networks provide training essay on networking for their members such that they are at par with the technological changes Turban, The certifications offered by the professional bodies assist individual who possesses them, as they are an added advantage.
In most of the job opportunities, membership to a professional body is usually a requirement Weare, essay on networking The professional bodies act as internal regulators of the professional practices. They stipulate and enforce professional ethics. They formulate and enforce code of ethics that members should ascribe, essay on networking.
They have panel and disciplinary actions against those who do not follow the stipulated measures in their career practice. This enables them to protect their members from external intrusion by other members of the society during their profession Weare, As a healthcare administrator, there are professional bodies that one may join to have a network of essay on networking professionals, essay on networking.
The first one is the Association of Medical Practitioners. Due to the managerial work done by the healthcare administrator joining a professional body that deals with healthcare managerial activities would update the administrator. The professional body of healthcare administration offers the healthcare administrator knowledge on the current trends in healthcare administration.
It also provides training opportunities for the healthcare professionals to keep up to date with the ever-evolving technology. The professional networks provide opportunities for the administrators to hire new people in the organizations as well as essay on networking the professionals on the code of ethics to follow during the professional practice Weare, The Association of Medical Practitioners engages in many activities to promote the organization and provide an opportunity for members to join the network.
The first common activity that essay on networking bodies engage in is that of providing conferences to the members where they bring together professionals in the field to participate in discussions and networking activities.
This enables the members to increase their professional contacts. Professional conferences act as training opportunities for the members and at ordinary times such opportunities are expensive but professional bodies offer them at subsidized costs Tulenko, The professional body in healthcare management should also participate in Corporate Social Responsibilities such as sponsoring healthcare related charity works, essay on networking.
This offers the association publicity and provides an opportunity for the healthcare professionals to network as they participate in the corporate social responsibilities of the organization Weare, The healthcare professional body should also have online community networks for the members to share their ideas and challenges through the social networks such as Twitter essay on networking the LinkedIn.
Participating in discussion in those forums keeps the members informed. It also offers an opportunity for identifying the challenges that healthcare professionals go through and methods of tackling them Turban, The healthcare in the professional body must be active in participating in the public discourse on the healthcare administration and professional issues affecting the practice of healthcare administration.
They body must participate in formulation of policies that affect the healthcare issues Tulenko, The body must provide certifications to the members of the healthcare administration body after they essay on networking in training and other professional activities of the professional network Weare, Participation in a healthcare professional network is imperative in ensuring that the members receive positive results. The contacts offered to the network members, the training, and the certifications offered by the professional network essay on networking the members to thrive in their career.
Tulenko, J. Framework and measurement issues for monitoring entry into the health workforce. Handbook on monitoring and evaluation of human resources for health. Geneva: World Health Organization. Turban, D. Information technology for management: Transforming organizations in the digital economy.
Weare, K, essay on networking. promoting mental, emotional and social health: A whole school approach. London: Routledge Falmer. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Select a website referencing style:, essay on networking. Professional Networking. Table of Contents, essay on networking. Introduction Purpose of Professional Networks Importance of Professional Networks in Healthcare Administration Professional Network Activities Conclusion References.
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How to write Chevening Essay Networking PART 1
, time: 56:59Networking Skills Free Essay Example
words essay on computer Networking. Networking is a vital factor for the successful working of information systems. There are various networking systems, i.e., Television networks. Railway networks, Post and Telegraph networks and Computer networks. But the contributions of computer networking are blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins · Networking should be a mutual, symbiotic relationship or association, where you receive and give; a two-way relationship to create win-win situations- this is effective networking. In networking, therefore, you must answer the “who, why, how, what, when” questions. In other words, you need to have clearly defined goals, mission, vision and strategy Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Networking helps you to reduce on cost, enhance efficiency and help you to manage the control of information. Networking may be wired or through wireless links with the later being preferred today due to advancements in technology
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