Why Women Smile by Amy Cunningham. © Houston Community blogger.com rights reserved. About | Contact | Support | Contact | Support The below annotated bibliography example will help you understand the format and design or you can ask others to write my essay for me. Annotated Bibliography in APA. In APA format, the annotated bibliography comprises a reference list that has a brief section of analysis and summary. The format is as follows 1- APA Title Page 2- APA Format reference typed, bolded · Example of an Annotated Bibliography Essay mid-drift tops, and a low heel is comfortable and stylish. For men a nice shirt and tie would be acceptable. The goal of this article was to help teachers see what they should be wearing
Annotated essay - Research & Learning Online
View our latest COVID updates. This assignment is from a first-year Education student. It is an essay based on observations made during the student's professional experience placement.
Students were asked to observe teacher-student interactions during their placement and interview the teacher involved. For the essay, they had to choose one interaction to analyse and relate to the ideas discussed in their classes and readings. Click again to hide the comment. The lecturer has not commented on minor points of expression or punctuation. During a placement as a student teacher I have had the opportunity to observe many and varied interactions with students, annotated essay example.
I have made extensive written observations and I have interviewed my supervising teacher and a number annotated essay example students in the class, annotated essay example. When analysing the myriad of interactions I have chosen the lesson which was the introduction to the concept of sound as the interaction which I will analyse. After the lesson I interviewed my mentor teacher and asked for his reasoning for this particular pedagogy as well and speaking to students about what they thought of the lesson.
Lecturer's comment 1: Lovely introduction — makes it clear what you are setting out to do in this essay. It would have been appropriate to state the conceptual frameworks you will discuss later.
Context Lecturer's comment 2: Good use of sub-headings - makes this submission easy to read and mark. My observational rounds took place in Homewood Secondary College, which is a coeducational multicultural school of approximately students from Years 7 to Students come from a variety of cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds at Homewood.
The school is in a middle class area and most of the students speak English as their first language, annotated essay example. At Homewood Secondary College students are categorised into streams based on an end of year test from annotated essay example previous year. Streaming, or grouping by ability, particularly across a range of subject areas, is a contentious issue.
Research findings are inconclusive as to the annotated essay example for all students. People who support ability grouping suggest that teachers can target their teaching better to individual needs if students are grouped by annotated essay example. Lecturer's comment 3: You should have a reference here to highlight annotated essay example thinks this way.
This may need to be done with caution as streaming can continue the disadvantage of students who may already have challenges in relation to socio-economic status and race Catsambis, annotated essay example, S. Lecturer's comment 4: Incorrect referencing. Please check APA 7th edition referencing conventions - you don't need the initial in the in-text citation. The test is given at the end of each year in preparation for the following year.
After testing they are placed into classes based on these results with class label of being the top performing students on the test and a class label of J being the lowest performing students. The class in which my observations and this particular interaction occurred was a class J year 8 science class. As outlined, class J is generally made up of the lowest performing students in the year level across all academic subjects.
I noticed annotated essay example this annotated essay example my mentor teacher to approach his educational planning in a specific way and create his classes accordingly, annotated essay example. Interestingly he pointed out that streaming, in his experience, is not always as it seems.
He believed that the J stream does not directly indicate that the students have poor science knowledge despite their results on a general test. My mentor teacher talked about communication techniques. He believed that on the whole his J students were poor communicators without the adequate writing skills to communicate their ideas effectively. Additionally many had behavioural issues leading to low scores on the general test.
At Homewood he has experienced a very high level of males in his J classes over several years. This changes the ways in which he prepares his resources so as to be sure to engage annotated essay example high proportion of the cohort, without neglecting the minority.
Interestingly, given the multicultural nature of the entire College, class J was predominantly white Anglo-saxon students, annotated essay example. My mentor teacher felt that anecdotally these students came from homes where education was less valued and consequently support from home to achieve was limited. Homewood College classrooms were positive environments and the students seemed well engaged, annotated essay example. Lecturer's comment 5: It is not clear what this means.
It seems as though you are speaking of a particular culture of teaching and learning, but it would be good to be more specific. I observed my mentor teacher begin a new topic with his year eight science class. This was particularly interesting as I was able to not only see him teach a topic but I saw the grounding and introduction to the unit. In this case the topic was sound.
The interaction began with him standing at the front of the room and asking the class a simple yet challenging question, what is sound? He then paused for what seemed like a long time using a critical wait timeannotated essay example, although there were already students with their hands raised.
Once many seconds had passed, he asked one of the students left who had not put up their hand up the same question again. The responses included; something your ears hear, a sense, volume and other responses following those ideas.
After a couple answers were given, the students started speaking their answers out without being asked, and it turned into a loud discussion.
Then my mentor teacher congratulated the students on their responses, providing them with positive reinforcement and posed another question about what are some other aspects of sound and he allowed them to continue talking amongst themselves.
Whilst observing this class, much of the discussion seemed like unnecessary noise however my mentor teacher seemed quite happy to let it continue for a number annotated essay example minutes. Lecturer's comment 6: Some quotes or a script of the conversation might have been included to enhance the impact of the story. He then began to explain how sound vibrated like a wave and showed them soundwave simulations on an iPad application.
To an outsider it may have even look like he lacked control and had behaviour management issues. Analysis Lecturer's comment 7: Good - in this section you've made clear reference to the ideas introduced in the "Questioning and feedback" lecture. Questioning was a key element of my mentor teacher's pedagogy for this particular interaction.
One element that was focussed on in this interaction was calling on a variety of students, which is suggested in the literature. My mentor teacher did this very effectively. This meant that students felt like their contribution, no matter how informed it was, mattered just as much as their peers, promoting connection and collaboration in the classroom.
My mentor teacher, post lesson, said this is a purposeful pedagogical choice in order to create a classroom where each student feels valued. Lecturer's comment 8: Check APA referencing conventions - you don't need the initial in the annotated essay example citation.
As an observer I struggled to watch as one student attempted to answer, annotated essay example, whilst all her peers were watching her. This made me feel uncomfortable for the student, annotated essay example. However after the lesson I asked my mentor teacher why he chose to allow her to struggle through a response when there were clearly many other students keen to contribute, annotated essay example. He said that this student in particular is very shy however does have higher than average marks.
For him it was important to let her have a voice in the classroom and help her feel confident when speaking out in what was a classroom of very loud and confident young boys. Ellis comments that creating question methodology that solicits a wide variety of students to contribute can increase student learning.
It allows more students who, may have not otherwise contributed, whilst giving the individuals ownership of their own learning. Lecturer's comment 9: The date stays inside the brackets when the author's name becomes part of the sentence, annotated essay example. Once many questions had been asked of the students, he instructed the students to think about other aspects relating to sound.
This is when the class became very loud and began speaking to one another without his interruption, annotated essay example. In this instance I felt like he was letting them get off topic and begin to misbehave. He explained that he was trying to get them to come up with their own ideas about other ways sound is used.
According to Daniels, annotated essay example, E creating a learning environment where students feel like they have control of their choices and actions creates a motivating learning environment. Although he did not explicitly say this was his foundational reasoning, annotated essay example, throughout my observations I witnessed his classrooms being a very respectful and positive learning environment.
As the lesson progressed I was able to communicate with some of the students about how they were finding the lesson and I received some very positive comments, annotated essay example. One student mentioned how she had heard about a particular feature of sound, and another student was able to clarify why that fact was true. At first Annotated essay example thought that this part of the interaction was a classroom that was not being successfully managed.
However after further investigation my mentor teacher annotated essay example giving students the freedom within his learning environment in order to create motivated and self-sustaining learners.
Whilst the noise annotated essay example discussion was still occurring he brought the class back to attention. At this point he asked one of the students to repeat what he had just said about sound.
The student identified that sound was a vibration. Then my mentor teacher drew on that point and pulled out his IPad and took some time to instruct the students to download a particular application. For the rest of the lesson he allowed them to focus on technology and interact with this application which showed soundwaves through the IPad. The students seemed very engaged and fascinated by this and for the rest of the lesson they were testing different noises by inputting them into the IPad and observing what the soundwaves would look like.
For a class of digital natives, the introduction of technology was welcomed. My mentor teacher is a young man and he is certainly at ease with technology and is comfortable using devices in the classroom. The introduction of technology allowed the students to have a real life demonstration of annotated essay example the sound waves are dynamic and never ending. I felt like this was a very clever use of technology in this lesson to help introduce the conceptual understanding of soundwaves and keep the students engaged.
Technology can have its negatives in terms of distraction or misuse, however in this case it gave the class a means to have an experimental experience with sound in a quick and annotated essay example fashion, annotated essay example. It is important that technology is accepted at a teaching level when the school allows for students to take their IPads to class.
When interviewing my mentor teacher he explained that he would rather incorporate the technology into his classes then try and manage devices as a distraction. My mentor teacher endeavours to use technology in a productive way at all times. The attraction of technology to be misused is high and my mentor teacher feels that the more it is incorporated into his classroom teaching the more engaging the material in most cases, annotated essay example.
He feels that when students are allowed to use it positively they are less annotated essay example to take advantage in the times where he does want their direct attention. Overall my mentor teacher used questioning skills to engage the students and promote communication and collaboration in the classroom. He was also very comfortable with the introduction of technology as a tool to engage and enhance the annotated essay example. He had a tolerance for a less quiet and formal environment annotated essay example a high level of confidence in his own ability to manage the students.
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Free examples of Annotated Bibliography Proficient writing team Best quality of every paper Largest database of essay examples on The below annotated bibliography example will help you understand the format and design or you can ask others to write my essay for me. Annotated Bibliography in APA. In APA format, the annotated bibliography comprises a reference list that has a brief section of analysis and summary. The format is as follows 1- APA Title Page 2- APA Format reference typed, bolded · Example of an Annotated Bibliography Essay mid-drift tops, and a low heel is comfortable and stylish. For men a nice shirt and tie would be acceptable. The goal of this article was to help teachers see what they should be wearing
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